用作动词 (v.)
~+副词- flare brightly闪亮
- flare destructively破坏性地燃烧
- flare heatedly〔vividly〕强烈地燃烧
- flare repeatedly反复地展开
- flare sightly稍向外展开
- flare about〔away, up〕燃烧起来
- flare out发出亮光
~+介词- flare at发起火来
- flare behind向后张开
- flare in在…中闪闪发光
- flare into激化
- flare like像…发光
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- drop a flare投射照明弹
- fire a flare发射信号弹
- give a flare发出闪光
- send up a flare发出信号弹
形容词+~- sudden flare突然闪出的光亮
- warning flare警告信号弹
名词+~~+介词- flare of anger怒气的爆发
- the flare of a skirt裙子的展开部分
flare up突然发怒;突然燃烧,骤然
solar flare太阳耀斑;[天]日晕
lens flare镜头光晕;透镜光晕;镜头光斑;眩光
flare stack火把烟囱
flash, glare, blaze, glow, flare, light, twinkle, glitter, flame
- The flare of the match lit up his face.
火柴的光照亮了他的脸。 - He stood ready to fire a warning flare.
他站着准备发出警告信号。 - One possibility is that the blast was like an ultra-powerful solar flare.
一种可能的原因是这种爆炸很像有超级能量的太阳耀斑。 - These flows occurred after violently unstable magnetic reconnection events above the Sun produced the flare.
- A gust of wind made the candles flare.
一阵风吹得烛光摇曳。 - The fire flared out brightly.
火光闪亮。 - My stomach ulcer has flared up again.
我的胃溃疡突然又发作了。 - The skirt flares out at the hem.
这条裙子的下摆张的很大。 - Her nostrils flared angrily.
The solar flare myth
Flare and Itch Induced by Substance P in Human Skin
An Exceptional VHE Gamma-Ray Flare of PKS 2155-304
An Exceptional Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Flare of PKS 2155-304
Flare-related relaxation of magnetic shear as observed with the Soft X-ray Telescope of YOHKOH and with vector magnetographs
Observation of a Solar Flare at the Limb with the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope (Initial Results from Yohkoh)
The late phase of the immediate wheal and flare skin reaction. Its dependence upon IgE antibodies
The FLARE ™ Intraoperative Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging System: A First-in-Human Clinical Trial in Breast Cancer Sentinel Ly...
Detailed comparison between H-alpha and YOHKOH soft X-ray images of a confined two-ribbon flare
RHESSI Observations of Particle Acceleration and Energy Release in an Intense Solar Gamma-Ray Line Flare