- Nearly 45 percent said they had discovered flirtatious or sexual texts.
近45%25的受访者称,他们在伴侣的手机上发现了调情或色情短信。 - Her flirtatious manners are intended to attract.
Flirtatious geographies: clubs as spaces for the performance of affective heterosexualities
Detecting friendly, flirtatious, awkward, and assertive speech in speed-dates
Detecting friendly, flirtatious, awkward, and assertive speech in speed-dates
Spinning, spooning and the seductions of flirtatious masculinity in contemporary politics
Perceiving flirtatious communication: An exploration of the perceptual dimensions underlying judgments of flirtatiousness
Flirtatious Communication: An Experimental Examination of Perceptions of Social-Sexual Communication Motivated by Evolutionary Forces
Flirting in online dating: Giving empirical grounds to flirtatious implicitness
Women's Perceptions of Flirtatious Nonverbal Behavior: The Effects of Alcohol Consumption and Physical Attractiveness
“Without Flirting, It Wouldn't be a Marriage”: Flirtatious Communication Between Relational Partners
Women’s Probability of Conception Is Associated with their Preference for Flirtatious but not Masculine Facial Movement