- They proposed a heavy and concentrated amphibious assault.
他们计划进行一次猛烈而集中的两栖攻击。 - At last I found this amphibious creature.
AQUA: An Amphibious Autonomous Robot
AmphiBot I : an amphibious snake-like robot
A nearly modern amphibious bird from the Early Cretaceous of northwestern China.
AmphiBot II: An Amphibious Snake Robot that Crawls and Swims using a Central Pattern Generator
Online Optimization of Swimming and Crawling in an Amphibious Snake Robot
Design of an autonomous amphibious robot for surf zone operation: part i mechanical design for multi-mode mobility
The amphibious murines of New Guinea (Rodentia, Muridae): The generic status of Baiyankamys and description of a new species of Hydr...
Molecules, morphology, and ecology indicate a recent, amphibious ancestry for echidnas
Environmental Regulation of C₃ and C₄ Differentiation in the Amphibious Sedge Eleocharis vivipara
Ijspeert, A.J.: Online optimization of swimming and crawling in an amphibious snake robot. IEEE Trans. Robot. 24(1), 75-87