- The pilot landed the airliner in evening.
Establishment of the Mediterranean fruit fly in California.
Unsteady aerodynamics force generation by a model fruit fly in flapping motion
Human disease models in Drosophila melanogaster and the role of the fly in therapeutic drug discovery
Why do Insectivorous Bats in Britain Not Fly in Daylight More Frequently?
The acquisition and development of cognitive skills and strategies: I. Making the butterflies fly in formation.
The New World screwworm fly in Libya: a review of its introduction and eradication.
The effects of a multimodal intervention program on performers: II. Training the butterflies to fly in formation.
Molecular and pharmacological analysis of an octopamine receptor from American cockroach and fruit fly in response to plant essentia...
Insectivorous Bats Fly in Shadows to Avoid Moonlight
Fly-in/Fly-out and Fly-over: Mining and regional development in Western Australia