Pierced Foliole EarringPierced Foliole BarrettePierced Foliole LavaliereLe sporange et la foliole sporangifère des FougèresFoliole Movement and Canopy Architecture of Larrea tridentata (DC.) Cov. in Mexican DesertsChinese medicine for treating mammary gland foliole proliferationAction de la section d'une foliole sur la transpiration de la foliole opposee non sectionnee[Foliole peroxidases of the date palm, Phoenix dactylifera L.; preliminary characterization and study of activities among different ...[Quantitative evaluation of alfalfa [Medicago sativa L.] with multiple foliole leaves]. [Spanish]Optimizing the Enzymatic Maceration of Foliole Purée from Hard Pieces of Hearts of Palm (Euterpe edulis Mart.) using Response Surfa...