Ampulla of uterine tube
Appearance of unfertilized ova cleaving in the ampulla of the uterine tube after repeated ovulation inducement
Influence of a progestogen on carbohydrate histochemical and histologic features of the ampulla of the bovine uterine tube
The fallopian tube of the sheep. V. Secretion from the ampulla and isthmus
Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies of stromal cells in lamina propria of human fallopian tube ampullar mucosa: the reco...
Effect of pharmacological agents on the activity of the circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers of human fallopian tube ampul...
Sperm-epithelial interactions in the isthmus and ampulla of the Fallopian tubes and their ovarian control
In vitro spontaneous and norepinephrine-induced contractions of ampulla, isthmus, and mesosalpinx from human fallopian tubes; effect...
Contractile effect of acetylcholine on isolated ampullar segment of fallopian tubes
Spontaneous periodic contraction of the ampullar segment of the human fallopian tube in vitro