forget oneself忘我,忘乎所以;失去知觉
never forget永不忘记
don't forget请不要忘记;别忘了
forget about忘记
forgive and forget既往不咎;不念旧恶
forget to do忘记
forget doing忘记做过
- He must have forgotten my name.
The gut flora as a forgotten organ.
The gut flora as a forgotten organ. EMBO Rep 7:688-693
Forgotten Contributors: On the Japanese Adaptors Behind Taiwan's Dongfang Publisher
The return of a forgotten polymer—Polycaprolactone in the 21st century
The Crusade for Forgotten Souls: Reforming Minnesota's Mental Institutions, 1946–1954
The Business Elite: A Forgotten Force in the Civil Rights Movement, Birmingham & Atlanta, 1960-1963
The reactivation time in the treatment of AMD: a forgotten key parameter?
Human babesiosis, renal failure, and dialysis: A summary and comment on forgotten disease
Risques rénaux des compléments alimentaires: une cause ignorée [Renal risks of dietary complements: a forgotten cause].
On neurodegenerative diseases, models, and treatment strategies: lessons learned and lessons forgotten a generation following the ch...