- The waltz and fox trot were the dances she knew.
华尔兹和狐步舞是她跳得最好的舞步。 - I do not care for the fox - trot.
Fox trotFox TrotFox TrotThe Vamp: A Novel Oriental Fox-Trot With WordsDel fox-trot al jazz flamenco: el jazz en España : 1919-1996Temporal characteristics of the fox trot, a symmetrical equine gaitFox-Trotting the Riot: Slow Rioting in Britain's Inner CityOrlando Bloom Has Ruined Everything: A Fox Trot CollectionNew Sensibility"'S Fox Trot:A Maiden Attempt on "Stream of Consciousness"in the Creation of Modern NovelFox trot : seeking preparedness for military urban operationsI Used To Love You But It's All Over Now: Fox TrotMisrecognition and Modern Metropolitan Experience: On Shanghai Fox Trot(A Segment)Symbol of Dance(5) - focusing on Fox trot -