other Frascati Consensus Conference participants (2006) TNM staging of foregut (neuro) endocrine tumors: a consensus proposal includ...other Frascati Consensus Conference participants; European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS). TNM staging of foregut (neuro) endo...Preliminary Result of Frascati (Adone) on the Nature of e new 3.1 GeV Particle Produced in e+e- AnnihilationThe 14 MeV Frascati neutron generatorDAFNE: the Frascati Phi-factoryObedience to AuthorityThe Measurement of Scientific and Technical Activities (“Frascati Manual”)Reconfigurable SCA Applications with the FraSCAti PlatformNonfactorizable effects in B -> J/psi KView-Based Query Answering and Query Containment over Semistructured Data