유전 및 육종 : Freemartin 이성 쌍자들에 대한 세포유전학적 연구FREE-MARTINFreemartinThe freemartin syndrome: an updateSerum-borne H-Y antigen in the fetal bovine freemartinHormone-like role of H-Y antigen in bovine freemartin gonad.Origin of anti-Müllerian hormone in bovine freemartin fetusesSex chromosome chimerism and the freemartin syndrome in Rideau Arcott sheepCytogenetic and endocrine studies of a freemartin heifer and its bull co-twinTolerance to homografts, twin diagnosis, and the freemartin condition in cattlePurified bovine AMH induces a characteristic freemartin effect in fetal rat prospective ovaries exposed to it in vitro.Effects of testosterone on pedicle formation and its transformation to antler in castrated male, freemartin and normal female red de...Age dependent changes in plasma anti-Mullerian hormone concentrations in the bovine male, female, and freemartin from birth to puber...