- Owing to the large number of orders we are receiving, we have to execute them in full capacity.
由于我们接到大量订单,必须全力生产才能如期交货。 - In prospect of increase in demand, we should operate at full capacity.
Full Capacity
Method and apparatus for utilizing the full capacity of a particular type of mine hoist for excavating deep shafts
Thymic cortical epithelial cells lack full capacity for antigen presentation.
The use of morphokinetic parameters to select all embryos with full capacity to implant
Emergency department patient preferences for boarding locations when hospitals are at full capacity.
The full capacity of AICAR to reduce obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance requires myeloid SIRT1.
Full-Capacity Unitary Recurrent Neural Networks
Accurate detection algorithm of battery full-capacity under fast-charge
Reaching the full capacity of the electrode material Li 3 FeF 6 by decreasing the particle size to nanoscale
Full capacity of recombinant Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin fusion proteins for extracellular secretion, antigenicity, dis...