The fusiform face area: a module in human extra...
The Fusiform Face Area: A module in human extrastriate cortex specialized for the perception of faces
The fusiform face area: A module in the human extrastriate cortex specialised for face processing
Calcium-permeable AMPA-kainate receptors in fusiform cerebellar glial cells.
The visual word form area: Expertise for reading in the fusiform gyrus.
Activation of the middle fusiform 'face area' increases with expertise in recognizing novel objects.
Developmental deficits in social perception in autism: the role of the amygdala and fusiform face area.
The fusiform face area: a cortical region specialized for the perception of faces.
The fusiform face area subserves face perception, not generic within-category identification.
FFA: a flexible fusiform area for subordinate-level visual processing automatized by expertise.