PROCEDIMIENTO PARA LA PRODUCCION DE FRUTAS DE TEXTURA CONSISTENTE.Surface mount and flip chip technology with diamond film passivation for total integated circuit isolationHeteroepitaxial nucleation of diamond on Si(001) in hot filament chemical vapor depositionThe Friedreich's ataxia protein frataxin modulates DNA base excision repair in prokaryotes and mammalsALKBH4-dependent demethylation of actin regulates actomyosin dynamicsCK2 phosphorylation-dependent interaction between aprataxin and MDC1 in the DNA damage responseCommon capacity-limited neural mechanisms of selective attention and spatial working memory encodingMonitoring employment compensationSod2 haploinsufficiency does not accelerate aging of telomere dysfunctional miceDevice for controlling the intake air temperature of a mixture-compressing internal combustion engine