fresh gale大风,八级风
strong gale九级烈风
- The gale blew down the flagstaff.
La gale, une parasitose à plusieurs aspectsKumar, P., S.W.Gale, J.H.Li, S.... (PDF Download Available)Wind Stress and Heat Flux over the Ocean in Gale Force WindsObservation of >5 wt % zinc at the Kimberley outcrop, Gale crater, MarsA Sand-Lens in the Upper Murray Formation at Gale Crater, Mars: A Likely Lowstand Deposit of a Dynamic Ancient LakeGeologic Mapping and Stratigraphic Analysis of the "Clay Trough"of Mount Sharp, Gale Crater, MarsDetection of Northern Hemisphere Transient Baroclinic Eddies in REMS Pressure Data at Gale Crater MarsThe molecular basis of antibiotic action (second edition) : by E. F. Gale, E. Cundliffe, P. E. Reynolds, M. H. Richmond and M. J. Wa...A buried aeolian lag deposit at an unconformity between the Murray and Stimson formations at Marias Pass, Gale Crater, MarsEconomic History of Canada: A Guide to Information Sources. By Trevor J. O. Dick. Detroit: Gale Research...