MELANOCYTOMA OF THE OPTIC DISC.K{sup 0}-K{sup 0} mixing beyond the standard model and CP-violating electroweak penguins in quenched QCD with exact chiral symmetryA multifactor study of catalyzed hydrolysis of solid NaBH 4 on cobalt nanoparticles: Thermodynamics and kineticsK→(ππ)_{I=2} decay amplitude from lattice QCDDomain Wall QCD with Near-Physical PionsNontuberculous spondylodiscitis in childrenScattering of negative pions on carbonRecombinant human decorin inhibits TGF-β-induced contraction of collagen lattice by hypertrophic scar fibroblastsNew insights into the mechanism of H 2 generation through NaBH 4 hydrolysis on Co-based nanocatalysts studied by differential reac...Electron microscopic studies of the human eye. II. Study of the trabeculae by light and electron microscopy