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Dyslipidaemia is associated with insulin resistance in women with polycystic ovaries.
The relationship of insulin insensitivity to menstrual pattern in women with hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries.
Haplotype combinations of calpain 10 gene polymorphisms associate with increased risk of impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabe...
The effect of growth hormone replacement therapy on cortisol-cortisone interconversion in hypopituitary adults: evidence for growth ...
Validation of the low dose short insulin tolerance test for evaluation of insulin sensitivity
Ethnic differences in insulin secretion in women at risk of future diabetes
Validation of the low dose short insulin tolerance test for evaluation of insulin sensitivity.
Equine behavior: behavior test, oats vs. TMR cubes test 1 with student, Levi, mustang two-year-old gelding
The effect of GH replacement on cortisol–cortisone interconversion in hypopituitary adults: evidence for GH modulation of extrarena...