- It is time to consider having the animal geld if it is not to be used for breeding.
Functional defect of circulating regulatory CD4+ T cells in patients with Wegener's granulomatosis in remission"Discrete Choice with Social Interactions: A General FrameworkPersistent expansion of CD4+ effector memory T cells in Wegener's granulomatosis.Theory of Corrosion and Protection of MetalsO-140 Quality of life after 4D stereotactic radiotherapy for stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)Evaluation of four-dimensional computed tomography-based intensity-modulated and respiratory-gated radiotherapy techniques for pancr...Further studies on the specificity of presumed immune associations of myasthenia gravis and consideration of possible pathogenic imp...Immunological concomitants of myasthenia gravisMULTIPLE ANTIBODY PRODUCTION IN MYASTHENIA GRAVISMYASTHENIA GRAVIS IMMUNOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRIATED MUSCLE AND THYMUS