- He is familiar with Chinese ancient history.
他通晓中国古代史。 - We will all have a course in ancient history this term.
Ancient history
Ancient History
Ancient history
The arms race is ancient history in Arabidopsis, the wildflower.
The Dark Ages in Ancient History. I. The First Dark Age in Egypt
Ancient History in the New World: Integrating Oral Traditions and the Archaeological Record in Deep Time
The discovery of ancient history in the deep sea using advanced deep submergence technology
An ancient history of gene duplications, fusions and losses in the evolution of APOBEC3 mutators in mammals.
Imagined Religious Communities? Ancient History and the Modern Search for a Hindu Identity
Advancing age and insulin resistance: new facts about an ancient history
Coadaptation of Helicobacter pylori and humans: ancient history, modern implications
The Western Mediterranean. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II. Fasc. 57) by Glyn Daniel; J. D. Evans
Atherton, J.C. & Blaser, M.J. Coadaptation of Helicobacter pylori and humans: ancient history, modern implications. J. Clin. Invest...