- His gentility is purely made up.
他的文雅都是装出来的。 - He thinks fine clothes are a mark of gentility.
他认为衣著讲究是身分高贵的标志。 - He took her hand with discreet gentility.
The Gospel of Gentility (Book)
The Decline of American Gentility
Daniel Defoe and middle-class gentility
Newton for Ladies: Gentility, Gender and Radical Culture
'A wish of distinction' : colonial gentility and femininity
Mangling Symbols of Gentility in the Wild West: Case Studies in Interpretive Archaeology
The archaeology of middle-class domesticity and gentility in Victorian Brooklyn
The Victorians in 'Paradise': Gentility as Social Strategy in the Archaeology of Colonial Australia
An Ethnography of the Provincial: The Social Geography of Gentility in Elizabeth Gaskell's "Cranford"
The Quest for Gentility in China: Negotiations Beyond Gender and Class. By Daria Berg and Chloë Starr, eds. London and New York: Ro...