GenuflectionGenuflectionGenuflectionIn GenuflectionThe Genuflection to Campaign Polling BeginsVertigo and Genuflection: A Philosophical MeditationGenuflection at the Altar of 'Growth' Could Lead to Resurgence of InflationAllergy genuflection? It's surmount with special focus on ear, nose and throatGenuflection in Medevial Western Culture: the Gesture of Expiation - the Praying PostureThe comic genuflection; an examination of right-wing literary behavior as political comedyGenuflection in medievial western culture: the gesture of expiation-the praying posture / Przemysław Mrozowski.CROSSED OFF; Church Condemns Moves to Outlaw Genuflection at Football MatchesFaith & Reason: Liberation Theology and the Central Heating ; the Archbishop of Canterbury Made a Quick Genuflection to the Environm...