get into one's stride

[ɡet ˈɪntuː wʌnz straid]
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    Cache prefetch and bypass using stride registers
    Improving Retention Rates: One College's Stride toward Improvement.
    Batter's stride training device
    Efficient non-contiguous I/O vector and strided data transfer in one sided communication on multiprocessor computers
    One stride ahead of breast cancer
    Life in One's Stride—A Short Study in Dietrich Bonhoeffer. By Kenneth Hamilton. William B. Eerdman's Publishing Company, Grand Rapi...
    Football: Wenger's Team Just One Stride from Gaining Complete Control
    In one's stride : a novel /
    Prosthesis preference is related to stride-to-stride fluctuations at the prosthetic ankle
    Commonwealth gets into its stride: once the old boys' club of the British Empire, the Commonwealth is now one of the world's most ef...