- He was a door-to-door salesman for a bit, but he soon got tired of having the door slammed in his face.
Do you never get tired of salmon? Evidence for extreme salmon specialization at Prince Rupert harbour, British Columbia
Get Tired of Socializing as Social Animal? An Empirical Explanation on Discontinuous Usage Behavior in Social Network Services
Private labeling: who said the stores would get tired of manufacturing?
A Brief analysis of the Problem That Students in Secondary Vocational Get Tired of Learning
Saving the Africans ... Again! Don't We Get Tired of the Negative Images of Africa Portrayed by the Western Media? Couldn't Africa D...
We never get tired of seeing David take down his Goliath
Video game review: You won't get tired of this 'Brawl'
If you get tired of engineering
Do Bored Piles Get Tired of Standing Up Straight?
Doesn't Scorsese get tired of bashing Western values?