- He gave voice to his opinions.
他表达了他的意见。 - He gave voice to his anger in his letter to his father.
Giving voice to the lifeworld. More humane, more effective medical care? A qualitative study of doctor-patient communication in gene...
Giving Voice to Children's Voices: Practices and Problems, Pitfalls and Potentials
Giving voice to values: how to speak your mind when you know what's right
Giving voice to values: how to speak your mind when you know what's right
Giving voice to the burden of blame: A feminist study of mothers’ experiences of mother blaming
Giving voice to requirements engineering
From 'sustainable rural communities' to 'social sustainability': Giving voice to diversity in Mangakahia Valley, New Zealand
Giving voice to emerging science and theory for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people of color.
Giving voice to the gift: The use of projective techniques to recover lost meanings.
Giving Voice to High School Students: Pressure and Boredom, Ya Know What I'm Sayin'?