A Functional Biology of Sea AnemonesA Functional Biology of Sea AnemonesPeptide Toxins in Sea Anemones: Structural and Functional AspectsPolypeptide cytolytic toxins from sea anemones (Actiniaria)Field guide to anemonefishes and their host sea anemonesThe Clownfish Sea Anemones: Stichodactylidae (Coelenterata: Actiniaria) and Other Sea Anemones Symbiotic with Pomacentrid FishesIsolation of pyroGlu-Gly-Arg-Phe-NH2 (Antho-RFamide), a neuropeptide from sea anemonesHeat stress induces different forms of cell death in sea anemones and their endosymbiotic algae depending on temperature and duration.INTRASPECIFIC AGGRESSION AND ITS EFFECT ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF ANTHOPLEURA ELEGANTISSIMA AND SOME RELATED SEA ANEMONESMolecular cloning of a novel, putative G protein-coupled receptor from sea anemones structurally related to members of the FSH, TSH,...