Exploring Clojure multimethods with the universal design patternAntibody Response in Korean Raccoon Dogs Inoculated with Inactivated Rabies VaccinesOn the epidemiology of infections with Babesia canis and Babesia gibsoni in dogs in Germany[Babesiosis of dogs in Germany: epidemiologic case analysis][Toxocara canis: frequency of detection and extent of infection in bitches of various breeds and husbandry and their litters in Sout...[Imported infestations of nasopharyngeal parasites in dogs][Hepatozoon canis: an important parasitic infection in dogs][The frequency of coccidial infection in dog families of different husbandry and breeds in south Germany][On the occurrence of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille 1806) in Germany][Arthropods as coproscopic findings in dogs and cats]