- Arthur has greatly increased the turnover of his shop and he's decided to sell it as a going concern.
Going Concern
Do Non-Audit Service Fees Impair Auditor Independence? Evidence from Going Concern Audit Opinions
Audit Committee Characteristics and Auditor Dismissals Following "New"Going-Concern Reports
A Multivariate Analysis of the Auditor's Going-Concern Opinion Decision
A Reexamination of Auditor versus Model Accuracy within the Context of the Going-Concern Opinion Decision
The Application of Neural Networks and a Qualitative Response Model to the Auditor's Going Concern Uncertainty Decision
The Relationship between Auditor Tenure and Audit Quality Implied by Going Concern Opinions
Default on debt obligations and the issuance of going-concern opinions
Evaluation of a company as a going concern
The information content of the auditor's going concern evaluation ☆