- If she saw a goldfinch,she would marry a millionaire.
Student Peer Assessment in Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis Comparing Peer and Teacher MarksALKALOSIS IN INFANTSPessimism, Computer Failure, and Information Systems Development in the Public SectorDo they want it? Do they use it? The ‘Demand-Side’ of e-Government in Australia and New ZealandScience from the periphery: Collaboration, networks and 'Periphery Effects' in the citation of New Zealand Crown Research Institutes...Drug abuse-related mortality: a study of teenage addicts over a 20-year periodInduced metabolic alkalosis and its effects on 400-m racing timeSkills, Learning Styles and Success of First-Year Undergraduates.TWO MYTHS OF CONVERGENCE IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REFORMFurther Developments in Peer Assessment of Group Projects