Developmental capacity of mouse oocytes matured in vitro: effects of gonadotrophic stimulation, follicular origin and oocyte size.Ovulation rate and the concentrations of gonadotrophic and metabolic hormones in ewes fed lupin grainGonadotrophic control of follicular development and function during the oestrous cycle of the ewe.Gonadotrophic hormone secretion in female rats after partial or total interruption of neural afferents to the medial basal hypothala...Direct gonadotrophic effect of growth hormone on oestradiol production by human granulosa cells in vitroStimulatory effect of RFRP-3 on the gonadotrophic axis in the male Syrian hamster: the exception proves the ruleNutrient effects on ovulation rate, ovarian function and the secretion of gonadotrophic and metabolic hormones in sheepNon-steroid Inhibitors of Pituitary Gonadotrophic FunctionGonadotrophic control of follicular development and secretion in the sheep oestrous cycleRole and Gonadotrophic Regulation of X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein Expression During Rat Ovarian Follicular Development In...