- Merely the thought of holding a snake makes me come out in goose flesh.
GoosefleshgoosefleshgoosefleshWidespread pea-sized papules and gooseflesh plaques in a 44-year-old womanGoosefleshlike lesions and hypohidrosis.[Goose flesh and cold sensation. Symptoms of visceral epilepsy]Recurrent hematemesis and diffuse 'gooseflesh'."Goose Flesh and Glimpses of Glory"Pilomotor seizure: when paroxysmal gooseflesh heralds brain tumorClinical and immunohistological study on goose flesh-like mucosa of the stomach'Raising gooseflesh' 'dirty' words and language change.MP3 Gooseflesh - Digital Debris, Pt. I (Decoding)A feeling of gooseflesh