Social support, organizational characteristics, psychological well-being, and group appraisal in three self-help group populations
An appraisal of new variants of Dde amine protecting group for solid phase peptide synthesis
International cooperative study group on hepatocellular carcinoma. Critical appraisal of the clinical and pathologic predictors of s...
Critical leg ischaemia: an appraisal of clinical definitions. Joint Vascular Research Group
Evidence Review Group approaches to the critical appraisal of manufacturer submissions for the NICE STA process: a mapping study and...
Critical appraisal of the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS) consensus definition of postoperative hemorrhage a...
A randomized trial of effects of health risk appraisal combined with group sessions or home visits on preventive behaviors in older ...
A proposal for more informative abstracts of clinical articles. Ad Hoc Working Group for Critical Appraisal of the Medical Literature
When group identities matter: Bias in performance appraisal.
Predictors of Employee Preferences for Multirater and Group-Based Performance Appraisal