- Raw data grouped to produce a histogram can be described by a continuous curve with the same parameters.
为了编制直方图而进行了分组的原始数据,可以用一条具有同样参数连续曲线来描述。 - A new compilation approach based on grouped tasks was proposed for optimal compilation of dynamically reconfigurable architecture.
Model Selection and Estimation in Regression with Grouped Variables
Regression analysis of grouped survival data with application to breast cancer data.
The Empirical Distribution Function with Arbitrarily Grouped, Censored and Truncated Data
Review of root dynamics in forest ecosystems grouped by climate, climatic forest type and species
The Study of Population Growth in Organisms Grouped by Stages
Application of Grouped-Explosive Charging in Mine-Sweeping During the Peace Time
Dynamic Grouped-Wavelength Conversion Using Multiple-QPM LiNbO3Module and TLA
Grouped positive waves in the cat cerebellar cortex
Key industries to be grouped into 6 clusters as economy begins next phase of transformation
Method and apparatus for team play of slot machines