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    GSI-A geologically friendly tool for rock mass strength estimation
    Multilevel interconnections for ULSI and GSI era
    Interconnect Limits on Gigascale Integration (GSI)
    The GSI projectile fragment separator (FRS): a versatile magnetic system for relativistic heavy ions
    Interconnect limits on gigascale integration (GSI) in the 21st century
    A stochastic wire length distribution for gigascale integration (GSI)
    A stochastic wire-length distribution for gigascale integration (GSI). I. Derivation and validation
    Estimation of rock mass deformation modulus and strength of jointed hard rock masses using the GSI system
    Performance comparison between carbon nanotube and copper interconnects for gigascale integration (GSI)
    A stochastic wire-length distribution for gigascale integration (GSI). II. Applications to clock frequency, power dissipation, and c...