Requirement for Wnt and FGF signaling in Xenopus tadpole tail regenerationRegeneration of neural crest derivatives in the Xenopus tadpole tailTransgenic Analysis of Signaling Pathways Required for Xenopus Tadpole Spinal Cord and Muscle RegenerationMicro-Computed Tomography for Visualizing Limb Skeletal Regeneration in Young Xenopus FrogsSignificance of breast cancer specific gene 1 expression in breast cancerGeneration of iPSC-derived limb progenitor-like cells for stimulating phalange regeneration in the adult mouseThe Xenopus Model for Regeneration ResearchPubMed Central, Figure 7: BMC Dev Biol. 2007; 7: 56. Published online May 24, 2007. doi: 10.1186/1471-213X-7-56BMC Developmental Biology BioMed Central Research article Regeneration of neural crest derivatives in the Xenopus tadpole tailBMC Developmental Biology