GuncottonguncottonguncottonGuncotton and its manufactureNitroglycerine and guncotton, a double centenaryUnion and Confederate Views on GuncottonPolymers in industry: From guncotton to CO 2 glassMETHOD OF MANUFACTURING OF POROUS GUNCOTTON GUNPOWDERThe heat test. I.‐Guncotton. II.‐Nitro Glycerin and cordite. III.‐TheoreticalSignificance of the abel heat test of guncotton and nitroglycerineDevelop of Virtual Operating and Training System for Guncotton ProducingLXXI.?The evolution of nitrogen peroxide in the decomposition of guncottonChristian Friedrich Schönbein (1799-1868): From the Perilous Explosive Guncotton to the Salutary Dialysis Membranes