Planar chip device for PCR and hybridization with surface acoustic wave pumpCutaneous Anthrax Associated With Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia and Coagulopathy in a 7-Month-Old InfantKinetics of Membrane Adhesion Mediated by Ligand–Receptor Interaction Studied with a Biomimetic SystemLipolysis-stimulated lipoprotein receptor (LSR) is the host receptor for the binary toxin Clostridium difficile transferase (CDT)Human α-Defensins Inhibit Clostridium difficile Toxin BHuman alpha-defensins inhibit Clostridium difficile toxin BFlow profiling of a surface-acoustic-wave nanopumpRefreshable scanning tactile graphic display for localized sensory stimulationClostridial Glucosylating Toxins Enter Cells via Clathrin-Mediated EndocytosisExtended refreshable tactile graphic array for scanned tactile display