Does fantasy-induced sexual arousal habituate?Do animals satiate or habituate to repeatedly presented reinforcers?Do Black Ducks and Wood Ducks Habituate to Aircraft Disturbance?Down syndrome individuals fail to habituate cortical evoked potentials.Will Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) habituate to pingers?DO COTTONMOUTHS (AGKISTRODON PISCIVORUS) HABITUATE TO HUMAN CONFRONTATIONS?Amygdala and hippocampus fail to habituate to faces in individuals with an inhibited temperamentDoes the N100 evoked potential really habituate? Evidence from a paradigm appropriate to a clinical settingAnimal behavioral adaptation to changing landscapes: spring-staging geese habituate to wind farmsAmphetamine-induced conditioned activity does not result from a failure of rats to habituate to novelty.