The hadal community, an introduction ☆Hadal trenches: the ecology of the deepest places on EarthDeath of a hadal deep-sea bacterium after decompressionZoogeography of the Abyssal and Hadal ZonesThe systematics and biology of abyssal and hadal BivalviaLiparid and macrourid fishes of the hadal zone: in situ observations of activity and feeding behaviour.Vertical zonation patterns of scavenging amphipods from the Hadal zone of the Tonga and Kermadec TrenchesThe deepest chemosynthesisbased community yet discovered from the hadal zone, 7326m deep, in the Japan TrenchDual symbiosis in a cold seep thyasirid clam Maorithyas hadalis from the hadal zone in the Japan Trench, western PacificVertical distribution of meiobenthos in the sediment profile in bathyal, abyssal and hadal deep sea systems of the Western Pacific