EFFECTS OF OSTEOPATHY ON HAEMOCHROME AND BLOOD PRESSURECyclization of biliverdins to verdohaemochromesDETERMINATION BY HAEMOCHROME COLORIMETRY OF THE AMOUNT OF BLOOD TAKEN BY MOSQUITOESAutoxidation and solvolysis products of octaethylverdohaemochromeChemInform Abstract: Cyclization of Biliverdins to VerdohaemochromesNicotinamide haemochrome as a derivative for the colorimetric determination of the total haem pigments in blood.Mössbauer spectroscopic studies of carbonyl haemochromes; correlations with reactivityThe meso-hydroxylation and meso-benzoxylation of pyridine octaethylhaemochromeNon-enzymic nature of the pyridine haemochrome-cleaving activity of mammalian tissue extracts ('haem alpha-methenyl oxygenase').The separation and properties of low-spin (haemochrome) and native, high-spin forms of leghaemoglobin from soybean nodule extracts