halcyon days冬至前后十四天风平浪静的日子;太平盛世
- He yearned for the halcyon daysof his childhood.
他怀念儿时宁静幸福的日子。 - The Christmas season always made Bonnie yean for those halcyon days of her youth.
圣诞节长使波尼怀念她年轻时平静、愉快的日子。 - Through those halcyon weeks Julia darted and shone.
9. The Halcyon Reign : Court Culture and the Origins of a Royalist Tradition in Early Stuart England
A life course approach to healthy ageing: The HALCyon programme ☆
Mapping and QTL analysis of the barley population Sloop x Halcyon
Mapping and QTL analysis of the barley population Sloop x Halcyon
Interpreting the music of drug-eluting stents: halcyon song or albatross dirge?
A Multi-Cohort Study of Polymorphisms in the GH/IGF Axis and Physical Capability: The HALCyon Programme
Body mass index, muscle strength and physical performance in older adults from eight cohort studies: the HALCyon programme.
Diagnosis and Successful Treatment of a Presumptive Case of Aspergillosis in a Micronesian Kingfisher (Halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomi...
Mercury levels in selected tissues of three kingfisher species; Ceryle rudis, Alcedo atthis, and Halcyon smyrnensi, from Shadegan Ma...
Factors associated with symptoms of anxiety and depression in five cohorts of community-based older people: the HALCyon (Healthy Age...