HARD-HEARTEDHard heartedHARD-HEARTEDHardly hard-hearted: heart rate responses of incubating Northern Giant Petrels (Macronectes halli) to human disturbance on sub-Antar...Bleeding-Heart Liberals and Hard-Hearted Conservatives: Subtle Political Dehumanization Through Differential Attributions of Human ...AN UNROMANTIC LOOK AT PASTORALISM IN KARAMOJA: HOW HARD-HEARTED ECONOMICS SHOWS THAT PASTORAL SYSTEMS REMAIN THE SOLUTION, AND NOT T...Hard-hearted CRPHard-hearted CRP.The Soft- and Hard-Heartedness of Cardiac Fibroblasts: Mechanotransduction Signaling Pathways in Fibrosis of the HeartHard-hearted CRPA Case for Hard-heartedness: Clarissa, Indifferency, ImpersonalityHard-Hearted Women: Sentiment and the ScaffoldHard-hearted doctors: The incremental validity of explicit and implicit-based methods in predicting cardiovascular disease in physic...