- One of the pleasures of singing is to harmonize with the other voices.
唱歌的乐趣之一就是和其他唱歌的人保持和谐一致。 - Do these colours go well together (ie harmonize with each other)?
ZIMO: building cross-technology MIMO to harmonize zigbee smog with WiFi flash without intervention
Do the health claims made for Morinda citrifolia (Noni) harmonize with current scientific knowledge and evaluation of its biological...
Dentures to harmonize with heavily pigmented tissues
Secession and the Right of Self-Determination: An Urgent Need to Harmonize Principle with Pragmatism
Meeting the challenge of a changing teaching environment: harmonize with the system or transform the teacher's perspective.
Can automated road vehicles harmonize with traffic flow while guaranteeing a safe distance?
We must watch out for the loss of "the core value"of core journals as a whole ——Harmonize with Jiang Long-Fi's paper "Criticize a...
In search of development:the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement's effort to harmonize tradition with change
[The health food product Noni--does marketing harmonize with the current status of research?].
The Psychology of Inspiration: An Attempt to Distinguish Religious from Scientific Truth and to Harmonize Christianity with Modern T...