- The outdated contract has now been extinguished.
这份过时的合同现已被终止了。 - Slavery is an antique notion that has no place in the modern world.
Hero or has-been: Is there a future for altruism in medical education?
A study of nickel-molybdate coal-hydrogenation catalysts using model feedstocks
Has-Been, Wannabe, or Leader: Europe’s Role in the World After the 2003 European Security Strategy
In situ FTIR spectroscopy on rhodium-exchanged NaX zeolite with different metal dispersion during syngas reaction
Former Secretary of State John Kerry has been secretly working to save the Iran nuclear deal as its renewal deadline approaches
What Has Been and What Could Have Been
Fannin-Lubbock-I [α2β2119(GLY>ASP)], a rare mutation in the beta-globin gene, has been detected for the first time in a Hindu Brah...
Prologue: This has been a sad day for us
The In vitro antimicrobial activity of Cassia auriculata leaf extracts has been investigated against S. aureus, E. coli, K. pneumoni...
Application for Reorganization under Alternative Site FrameworkAn application has been submitted to the Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) Bo...