- All the teachers abominate cheating in examinations.
Mr. pulp abominates conflicts among peopleAs I recall. The 1880's to the 1960's."Overthrow the Thoughts of Slavery and Inhume Dogmatism"——Mao Zedong's Repudiation of SlaverinessFemale Sex in Natsumes Sousaki's Works and Japanese Aesthetic ConsciousnessPsicoterapeutas iniciantes: os desafios das diversidades afetivo-sexuaisThree Poems: Concerning His Own Affairs, Concerning Himself and the Bishops, and Concerning His Own Life (The Fathers of the Church,...One Man and His Dog: A Study of a Deleted Draft of Bernard Shaw's The PhilandererThinking Back Through our Mother's Magazines: Feminism's Inheritance from Nineteenth-Century Magazines for Mothers “There's No Heaven Without EarthUnderwoods, by Robert Louis Stevenson