Chronic anovulation syndrome and associated neoplasia.
Follicle dynamics and anovulation in polycystic ovary syndrome
Anovulation after precocious pubarche: early markers and time course in adolescence.
Prevalence Of Polycystic Ovaries In Women With Anovulation And Idiopathic Hirsutism
Nutritionally induced anovulation in beef heifers: ovarian and endocrine function preceding cessation of ovulation.
Induced anovulation as treatment of premenstrual tension syndrome. A double-blind cross-over study with GnRH-agonist versus placebo.
Nutritionally induced anovulation in beef Heifers: ovarian and endocrine function during realimentation and resumption of ovulation.
Hyperandrogenic anovulation (PCOS): a unique disorder of insulin action associated with an increased risk of non-insulin-dependent d...
High frequency of luteal phase deficiency and anovulation in recreational women runners: blunted elevation in follicle-stimulating h...
PCOS according to the Rotterdam consensus criteria: Change in prevalence among WHO-II anovulation and association with metabolic fac...