- We have a herbaceous borderround our garden.
Competitive Exclusion in Herbaceous Vegetation
Competitive exclusion in herbaceous vegetation.
Can grazing response of herbaceous plants be predicted from simple vegetative traits?
The Ecological Significance of the Herbaceous Layer in Temperate Forest Ecosystems
Seasonal Variation in the Seed Banks of Herbaceous Species in Ten Contrasting Habitats
The factors controlling species density in herbaceous plant communities: an assessment
Trait convergence and trait divergence in herbaceous plant communities: Mechanisms and consequences
Microprep protocol for extraction of DNA from tomato and other herbaceous plants
Shrub Invasion of Grassland: Recruitment Is Continuous and Not Regulated by Herbaceous Biomass or Density
Woody Plant Encroachment and Removal in Mesic Grassland: Production and Composition Responses of Herbaceous Vegetation