Dérivés d'acide hexadécanoique et hexadécadiénoique
Die Struktur von polymerem 2,4‐Hexadiinylenbis(phenylurethan)
The tetrad and hexad: maximum beam separation as a starting point for noncoplanar 3D treatment planning: prostate cancer as a test c...
13 C n.m.r. spectral assignments and hexad comonomer sequence determination in stereoregular ethylene-propylene copolymer
Novel hexad repeats conserved in a putative transporter with restricted expression in cell types associated with growth, calcium exc...
Should the Sediment Quality Triad Become a Tetrad, a Pentad, or Possibly even a Hexad?
Correlation between 13C NMR Chemical Shifts and Conformation of Polymers. 3. Hexad Sequence Assignments of Methylene Spectra of Poly...
H2(O-16): Line positions and intensities between 8000 and 9500/cm - The second hexad of interacting vibrational states: (050), (130)...
Effect of molecular structure on the phase behaviour of some liquid crystalline compounds and their binary mixtures II. 4-Hexadecylo...
Effect of molecular structure on the phase behaviour of some liquid crystalline compounds and their binary mixtures. I. 4-Hexadecylo...