Production of lipids and lipase activity during growth of Mucor hiemal...
Hiemal Forms in the Population of Sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii in the Volga in the Modern Period and Possibilities for Their R...
Ecological researches on the avifauna of the Goleşti Basin in the hiemal and prevernal aspects (2008-2009).
Changes in the physiological state of hiemal form of the Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii in the Volga after holding It a...
Ecological research-studies regarding the avifauna during the hiemal period from the basins area of the Argeş River between 2000 a...
Ecological research-studies regarding the avifauna during the hiemal period from the basins area of the Argeş River between 2000 a...
Ecological researches about the avifauna of the Budeasa basin (Arge River, Romania) in the hiemal and prevernal aspects (2008-2009)
Termination of the Passover Process into the Prespawning State of Females and Males of Hiemal Sturgeon after Exclusion of the River ...
Chemical composition of healthy and diseased kernel of maize infected by Fusarium moniliforme var-subglutinans and Mucor hiemalis [I...
Endophyte-Host Associations in Grasses. XXII. Conidia Formation by Acremonium Endophytes on the Phylloplanes of Agrostis hiemalis an...