An Introduction to the Bootstrap / B. Efron, R.J. Tibshirani.The Bioperl Toolkit: Perl Modules for the Life SciencesRegulation of gene expression in hippocampal neurons by distinct calcium signaling pathways.Extrasynaptic NMDARa oppose synaptic NMDARs by triggering CREB shut-off and cell death pathways. Nat Neurosci 5:405-414High-mountainous permafrost under continental-climatic conditions: actual results of different mapping methods and an empirical-stat...Production of a monoclonal antibody specific for Hodgkin and Sternberg-Reed cells of Hodgkin's disease and a subset of normal lympho...Remotely actuated polymer nanocomposites|[mdash]|stress-recovery of carbon-nanotube-filled thermoplastic elastomersRecombinant Human Erythropoietin in the Treatment of Acute Ischemic StrokeThe Yin and Yang of NMDA receptor signallingStimulation of Protein Tyrosine Phosphorylation by NMDA Receptor Activation