- Now the buses are full of hipsters, indie rock bands, and budget travelers.
'Hipsters'Late-modern hipsters: New tendencies in popular cultureHipsters on Our High Streets: Consuming the Gentrification FrontierINDIES, HIPSTERS Y GAFAPASTAS. CRONICA DE UNA DOMINACIONCULTURALSizzler has a food truck. Sorry, HipstersHipsters and jipitecas: Literary Countercultures on Both Sides of the BorderRace, Sex, and Nerds: From Black Geeks to Asian American HipstersCovert distinction: how hipsters practice food-based resistance strategies in the production of identityThe birth of the beat generation : visionaries, rebels, and hipsters, 1944-1960THE SEARCH FOR AUTHENTICITY: HOW HIPSTERS TRANSFORMED FROM A LOCAL SUBCULTURE TO A GLOBAL CONSUMPTION COLLECTIVE