The “ Homo Sapien Genetic Survival Trait”The politics of the family : from homo sapien to homo economicusConstruction and characterization of a cDNA library from Homo sapienfibrotic heart valvesCOMPARATIVE DOCKING STUDIES ON GLUTATHIONE S TRANSFERASE (GALLUS GALLUS) WITH ANTI-APOPTOTIC LIGANDS (HOMO SAPIEN)Paleoneurology: neurodegenerative diseases are age-related diseases of specific brain regions recently developed by Homo sapiens.The relationship of cranial, orbital and nasal cavity size with the morphology of the supraorbital region in modern Homo sapiens.Le Early Middle Stone Age d'Éthiopie Les changements techno-économiques à la période de l'émergence des premiers Homo sapiensAMS radiocarbon dating at Oxford and its contribution to issues of the extinction of Neanderthals and the spread of Homo sapiens sap...Mittelohrübertragungsfunktion (METF) der Schimpansen (Pan paniscus und Pan troglodytes) im Vergleich zum Menschen (Homo sapiens) –...Cloning and initial characterization of human and mouse Spot 14 genes 1Nucleotide sequences of the Mus musculus and Homo sapiens Spo...